Abhijit Khasnis

CTO, Healthify

For over a quarter of a century Abhijit Khasnis, CTO, Healthify has seen the rapid rise of data use and AI. Now, he sees AI getting more integrated into our daily lives and becoming a default option.

Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) make people healthy and happy? Abhijit Khasnis, the Chief Technology Officer at Healthify, a Bengaluru-based digital health and wellness platform, believes it can. Among the many goals AI can help achieve, health and happiness stand out. As AI tackles increasingly complex tasks and becomes more capable, Abhijit expects that it will scale up to handle jobs beyond our current comprehension. Health and happiness are among these, with AI tools evolving to become the most reliable and hardworking assistants humans have ever had.

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“In the health and wellness space, AI will help us build good, healthy habits. We’ll have a virtual assistant in our pockets, guiding us on what to eat and do for our health. Over time, this will reduce hospital visits and improve overall quality of life.”

Abhijit Khasnis
CTO, Healthify