Aravind Ganapathiraju

VP Applied Sciences, TalkDesk

Almost a quarter century into speech tech and AI, Aravind Ganapathiraju, ex-VP of Applied AI at Uniphore, believes conversational AI is finally seeing its golden era.

Speech is fundamental to our interactions, and in today’s Artificial Intelligence (AI)-driven age, it includes humans talking to machines. We frequently engage with virtual agents and smart speakers, like Alexa. Long before voice commands became mainstream, this was an area of deep interest for Aravind Ganapathiraju, ex-Vice President of Applied AI at Uniphore, a conversational automation technology company.

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“We are building AI that can look at emotions, that can look at other cues, visual cues, auditory cues, tonal cues to say, what is the chance of the sale actually happening based on this conversation? And as a salesman, what can you do differently or better to make this a successful interaction.”

Aravind Ganapathiraju
VP Applied Sciences, TalkDesk