Nishchay Shah

Group CTO and EVP, Products and AI, Cactus Communications

Nishchay Shah experienced, early on, the power of technology to transform everyday life. Now, he leverages technology to uplift his day and upgrade work.

At Nishchay Shah's Mumbai home, everything is controlled by Alexa. Lights, air conditioners, curtains, fans, TV, CCTV cameras, doors and locks - all operate via voice commands and sensors. His house is equipped with multiple screens, making it the perfect smart home. "I obviously love automation and am over-invested in technology," said Nishchay, who moved to India's financial capital when he joined Cactus Communications about a decade ago. Today, he is the Group Chief Technology Officer and Executive Vice President of Products & AI at Cactus Communications. He owns at least four Echo devices and an Amazon Echo Studio, effectively creating a smart home hub where he can build immersive audio experiences.

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"Humans will have to think about the very definition of the purpose of life. Because everything is done by AI, what will humans do? A few things like creative abilities  and artistic expression will be much better and humans will learn to explore more."

Nishchay Shah
Group CTO and EVP, Products and AI, Cactus Communication